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I was sad to hear that Brian Murphy had died. He was such a funny and warm man, not afraid to laugh at himself. In 2022 I was asked to stand in for him at Upminster U3A as he was poorly then. He used to give “an audience with” style talks with his wife. Unfortunately, the U3A was still advertising him on their website. On a really foul, wet, cold, November afternoon, nearly 200 people turned up to be entertained by him, only to find an old lady banging on about ballet. I think I managed to get the audience onside, but I wonder if they are all now remembering their disappointment.

My first talk of the New Year was a successful visit to Sawridgeworth U3A, my second, last week, was a return to St George’s wives, although they have moved from Benfleet to Canvey Island and renamed the group “Silver Belles”.

They were one of the groups so enthused by my talk that they booked an outing to Chelmsford Civic theatre to see The Snow Queen in 2018. I have heard this from many groups where I have returned to give another talk. I know that audience figures were definitely boosted.