Essex Speakers List March_2025 | A list of speakers in Essex. With thanks to Sally Hull (taking over from Peter Jones). |
Essex Speakers‘ Group (Facebook) | Post here for last minute bookings if you have been let down and/or search for a Public Speaker in Essex. |
Public Speakers’ Corner | Search for a Public Speaker |
SpeakerNet | Search for a Public Speaker |
EasyFundraising | Donate to the MS Society (or other charity of your choice) when you shop online |
The Weston School of Dance & Performing Arts | Dance School |
The Central School of Dance & Drama | Dance School |
Cecchetti Society | |
Terpsichore | A Ballet blog |
Powerhouse Ballet Circle | A Ballet Project in The North |
The London Ballet Circle | |
The Royal Opera House | |
Sadlers Wells Theatres | |
Brentwood Theatre | |
Bobba Fett | A Different kind of costume making. |