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Thurrock PROBUS

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This was my first invitation to speak to an all male group. The invitation was issued by a fellow speaker. He is also a Magician, so there a few card tricks during the meal. Even sitting so close and assisting in a small way I couldn’t see how it was done. Clever.

I remarked, possibly more than once, that the noise level was so low compared to many a WI meeting that I have attended so I did my best to make up for their lack of chatter. It was good, though, to see the obvious respect and affection that they have for one another. A lovely meeting, but one that reinforced the notion that organising something is a thankless task. The venue got just about everything wrong, but the members were all very relaxed about it and then listened attentively when it was my turn to speak. I forgot my clock and there was no clock there in evidence; I hate to check my watch as it just looks plain rude, but as no-one fell asleep it must have been OK.